315-317 Camberwell New Road, 

London SE5 OTF

AboutThe Project

In association with Cooney Architects Mark scoped, prepared and lodged The Planning Partnership’s first UK planning application.  Mark, back on ‘home turf’ teamed up with an Irish backed development team to present a mixed use development within Camberwell Green’s Conservation Area to present a high density scheme with significant challenges in respect of; the locally important historic character of the area, retention of a leisure use, the need to present a financially viable scheme with active streetscapes and a sustainable development.

A previous consented scheme has not proved financially viable and the current scheme represents increased apartment numbers and a challenge to the normally accepted social and affordable allocations.

Mark has worked closely with the Development Management and Urban Design Officer’s in Southwark’s Planning Department to achieve a scheme which not only presents itself  well based on Cooney Architect’s design but also represents a more intensive and sustainable use of a significantly underutilised site.  The application was lodged in August 2012.