The Quays Bar

Cobh, Co. Cork

AboutThe Project

Wessel acted as lead planning advisor in the preparation of the proposed development, its rationale, context and compliance with relevant statutory requirements.

In association with kiosk Architecture, and John Cronin Associates, a balance had to be achieved to fulfil the Applicant’s intention to extend The Quay Bar and Restaurant facilities on offer, while also addressing important issues of townscape, scale and massing, composition, and the adjacent Sirius Arts Centre building’s status as a Protected Structure.  The proposed extension is entirely legible as a modern development designed to a high architectural standard, which despite providing a very contemporary contrast with the Italianate grace of the original structure (former Royal Yacht Club building), is a fitting response to the demand for enlarged facilities at The Quays.

The proposed extension is of a modest single‐storey scale and continues with the pattern of architectural elements like jetties and piers along the quay‐side in Cobh where these project perpendicularly towards Cork Harbour from the classically ordered buildings that are parallel to the water’s edge.  Planning Permission was granted by Cobh Town Council on 17th May 2012.