Our Story

The Planning Partnership’s physical presence throughout Ireland, combined with the consultancy’s international experience, provides for an extensive knowledge base and an understanding of the development planning and related issues.


The Team

Our key personnel have in excess of 50 years combined experience of planning in Ireland and overseas, and have worked on well in excess of 1,000 planning consultancy projects in Ireland to date. The Planning Partnership operates from 3 office locations nationally, in Mullingar, Cork and Castlebar.

Mark Brindley MIPI

Mark Brindley MIPI


Mark Brindley MIPI has 23 years post qualification experience in a range of activities and sectors associated with town planning, in both the Public and Private Sector environments, locally and in the UK.

Mark is the lead Principal associated with our Forward Planning section in Mullingar and has extensive experience in public consultation and stakeholder involvement in Development Plan and Local Area Plan preparation, Village Design Statements and Action Area Plans in both the public and the private sectors.

In addition to his Forward Planning expertise, Mark further acts as lead consultant on development projects which include the preparation of Planning Applications; Environmental Impact Statements; Retail Impact Statements; and Oral and Arbitration Hearings.

Wessel Vosloo MIPI

Wessel Vosloo MIPI


Wessel Vosloo MIPI has in excess of 21 years post qualification experience in both the Public and Private Sector development environments, locally and internationally, which includes town planning, project management, environmental planning and environmental management.

Wessel is the lead Principal associated with our Environmental Planning section in Cork and has specific experience in Strategic Environmental and Appropriate Assessments. In addition to his Environmental Planning expertise, Wessel acts as lead consultant on development projects which include the preparation of Strategic Plans; Regional Plans; Planning Applications; Environmental Impact Statements; Retail Impact Statements; Village Design Statements; and Oral and Arbitration Hearings as expert witness.

Fintan Morrin MIPI

Fintan Morrin MIPI


Fintan Morrin MIPI  has in excess of 12 years post qualification experience in town planning practice, gaining significant expertise in many town planning sectors.  Fintan is our lead Associate in our Castlebar office in County Mayo.

His experience includes the preparation (and project management) of planning applications and appeals including Environmental Impact Statements, Retail Impact Statements and other expert reports for many types of proposals including Industrial, Mixed Use, Retail, Rural and Residential developments.

Fintan’s expertise also extends to pre-planning application scenarios such as development / site appraisal, exempted development and post-planning application matters. In addition, his experience also encompasses resolving planning permission compliance issues, enforcement / unauthorised development, extension of duration of planning permission and the preparation of Planning Opinions, Affidavits and Site Resolution Plans.